Samurai Trail★中山道・木曽路★妻籠宿/馬籠宿

Samurai Trailとは中山道の一部を 「旧中山道信濃路自然遊歩道」として整備し、標高430mの『妻籠宿』から標高790mの『馬籠峠』までの約6キロの上り坂、 そして標高620mの『馬籠宿』までの約3キロの下り坂を歩く、約4時間のルートです。
海外のお客様からは『Samurai Trail』とも呼ばれている、日本の原風景が残る峠越えハイキングコースです。

From Hirugami Onsen, it's about a 40-minute drive. Nakasendo ★Kiso Road★ "Tsumago-juku" is a post town from the Edo period, and has been designated as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings to preserve the streets of that time. In 2016, in a program by the British broadcaster BBC, the actress Joanna Lumley walked the Nakasendo and called it the "Samurai Trail." Since then, it has become a very popular trekking course among overseas visitors as the "Samurai Road." (I also walked it in early summer, and it was a very pleasant course through the forest.)
The Samurai Trail is part of the Nakasendo, maintained as the "Old Nakasendo Shinano Road Nature Walk." The route is about 6 kilometers uphill from 'Tsumago-juku' at an elevation of 430 meters to 'Magome Pass' at an elevation of 790 meters, and then about 3 kilometers downhill to 'Magome-juku' at an elevation of 620 meters. It is a route that takes about 4 hours to walk. Overseas visitors also call it the 'Samurai Trail,' a hiking course that retains the original landscape of Japan.